Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sex Trafficking and Rideshare

Sex evil devil that is moving up in the ranks of being in our normal, everyday lives. Sex trafficking is no longer just a pimp controlling his women. It is creeping into our regular lives as well. It is sad how it is even becoming a scary discussion that we have to have with our children.  The new monster, includes ridesharing.

Ridesharing is simply a means to get from one point to another, inexpensively as possible. A driver can be picking up a school teacher, an elderly person going to their doctor's appointment or even a couple going out on a date. The driver can also be rescuing someone? Did you think about that? Yes, ridesharing is good for picking up drunks but did you ever think it could be used to save someone before they are lost in the the ugly world of sex trafficking?

A monster can lure an unsuspecting person through Craigslist or Backpage, they can even do it through a dating site too. All while using ridesharing to do it! Here are some tips so that you do not become a victim to sex trafficking via ride share.
1. Pay for your own ride. The "gentleman" that is being nice and paying for your ride to pick you up from your house, he now has your address!
2. Watch your drink! Make sure nothing is fizzing in it if you decide to leave it alone. If you don't trust it, don't drink it or test it here.
3. Do not share a ride to go back to his house. Whether you are in the mood or not. Plan for another date and take it from there.
4. If you decide to disregard the above tips, then please make sure you have a tracking app on your phone to let someone know where you are.

Folks, be Tuff Girl Safe. I can't save the world but I want to help at least save you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


     Jackie Thompson* was enjoying her day off and all of a sudden realized that she had to pick up something from the store.  Unfortunately, Jackie did not have a car and it was night time and this was something that could not wait until the morning. She decided to call her cousin to keep her company on her walk.  Jackie was enjoying a wonderful conversation with her cousin.  She was enjoying it so much that the conversation continued through her purchase and on her journey home.  As she was walking home, she noticed a dark individual pass by her.  She saw this person at the store the same time that she was there.  She didn't think too much about it because for all she knew he could have lived in the same direction as she did.  She paused in her conversation with her cousin to get her pepper spray out of her purse.  She bought this pepper spray from Tuff Girl Security and wanted to be safe than sorry.  The guy walked by her again in the direction of the store.  In a low voice, Jackie told her cousin to hold on, a possible crazy man was in the area.  As soon as Jackie told her cousin that, the guy ran past her and tried to snatch her purse.  Jackie tried to hold on to her purse and the struggle began.  Jackie and this guy were pulling the purse back and forth.  She tried to keep her purse; this guy tried to get it.  During this time, Jackie is holding both her phone and her pepper spray in one hand.  It dawned on Jackie that yes, she had her pepper spray in her hand.  She had to drop the phone.  Still holding on to the purse, Jackie extends her arms to give her ample space to spray this individual right where it would be most effective, in his eyes!  The guy releases his grip of her purse and tries to run away but his vision was quite blurry.  He also couldn't breathe as the pepper spray Jackie carried was 10% caspian pepper that closed up his nasal passages.  Jackie ran back to where she dropped her phone and was thankful that it did not break.  She could hear her cousin calling her name over the phone.  Jackie tells her cousin that someone tried to snatch her bag and she had to call the police.  Good thing for Jackie, the police were not too far away. The wait was so short that the police were able to catch the guy who tried to steal her purse.  It was especially helpful that the pepper spray contained a dye that with a blue light could be detected.  They guy could not lie and said that he was sick and having problems breathing.  The evidence was all over him thanks to the dye in the pepper spray! 
     After Jackie finally arrived home, she realized that fighting over her purse was a dangerous and dumb thing to do.  She was very thankful and grateful that was all that this guy wanted. She was most of all grateful for the pepper spray for without it, it could have been more serious. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lace and High Heels

"I got my hair done, my nails done and I got my little, very little black dress. I should bring enough attention to myself with this dress but all eyes will be on my lace stockings!" 

Yes, she got legs and she knows how to use them...remember that song?  Some of us over 35 do, lol! Well, bare legs are not the style but "jeggings", tights, and patterned stockings are now the norm, along with even more less revealing clothing.  This type of clothing may look good but to some it can send the wrong message. 

When you wear this type of clothing, some men want to take advantage of some women. Some men think that your chest, your butt and your legs have now sprouted lips and they are saying, "I'm easy" or "If you pay for my drink, I got something for you too ~wink wink~"!  That is not always the case and women need to realize that you can still have fun and be safe as well.

If in any event that a guy does get the wrong impression and no is mistaken for yes, please know that it was not your fault.  If you do feel bad about the situation, that is understandable.  The guy could have mentally or physically abused you and has now put you in a place where you don't know what to do.  My opinion, seek help as soon as possible whether it be counseling or going to your local hospital to seek medical attention.  If you are in shock as far as should you cry or call the police, at least call the National Rape/Sexual Assault line @ 800-656-4673.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am a goldminer!

     Thanksgiving is on Thursday and Christmas is close behind. Many of us, me included, are single and "alone".  We are alone in the sense of not having a man this holiday season, so we have no choice but to spend it with our families.  "Oh how we love our families!"-sarcastic tone.  On a good note, at least we can eat to our hearts content and not have to worry about him seeing us eating like a horse! :o)

     When the festivites are all said and done, we go home, put on some sweat pants because our stomach is still a little wide from eating all of that food.  We don't want to go to the club nor do we want to go to a bar.  The bar is where the lonely people are.  So, we boot up our trusty computer and start searching online dating sites.  "Ooo, he's cute...he's fat...he looks like a peophile!"

     Did you find the man of your dreams?  Did you find him online or was it really a dream?  You spent all night chatting with him and find the two of you have so much in common.  You are in la-la land with a picture and some words!  Go out there, meet the guy....

    The two of you opted for a public place, and of course, it is the local coffee shop.  The conversation is great, just like over the computer, but you are getting a weird vibe from him. He is nice looking, just like his picture, but he keeps looking around. Literally, moving his body to check out the surroundings.  Is he a cop?  Is he a bounty hunter or did he just escape from jail?

     The later of the three is really what you are not hoping for!  The penal system is letting inmates on the computers while incarcerated.  You can protect yourself by asking probing questions about this person.  Ask about his family, his work, and even his education.  On personal note, I met a man online and he told me that he lived in VA and he was a goldminer.  I went to google to see if there was still gold in dem der hills!  Yea, the gold he was digging for was gold chains!  He was immediately blocked!

     Do your research ladies, be smart and don't fall for the okeedok because you are by yourself.  Here is advice for you and for me...Occupy your time with other activities, take up a hobby, or even volunteer your time.  There are people out there that are more lonely than we are. 

Tuff Girl signing off..

Thursday, November 18, 2010


     Being in the security business you tend to be nosey. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good.  This is one of those not so good eavsdropping sessions. 

     I overheard that a woman was gang raped, in her home, while her children were asleep in their rooms.  It was all because she opened the door!  Now I don't know what lead to the event on why she opened the door but none the less she did.  She was struck in the face, knocking her unconscious, the men then busted their way into her home and had their way with her. Luckily, she was on the phone with a friend and the friend was able to call the police. 

     So, I want to repeat, do not open the door.  My advice, don't even go to the door, yell to that person to make the announcement of who they are.  If it is a neighbor that you have never spoken to before, now does not have to be a good time to start. Don't get me wrong, being friendly is well and good but what if it is a neighbor that is checking out your home to see what his friends can steal. Don't open the door to a traveling sales person. There are scam artists taking to the street and posing as sales people in order to gain entry to your home and return at a later date to rob you.  If it is a true sales person, an appointment would have been made over the phone in order to come to your home.

     If it is an emergency situation whereas public safety officials have to gain entry, they will have identification.  If it is suspicious, you have every right to call 911 and verify if they are supposed to be at your home. 

     In an effort to stay safe in your home, make sure all doors and windows are secured.  As an extra safeguard, purchase self protection devices, such as a firearm, a stun gun, or even pepper spray.  Other items such as baseball bats, hair spray, and a kitchen knife can serve the same purpose. 

     So in saying all of this...DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!

Stun guns, pepper spray, and door alarms are sold on my facebook fan page. Click on the link:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to use a self defense spray.

We are in a sense of emergency with unemployment being high and peoples spirits being low. A lot of people are feeling that they will never get out this rut of unemployment and all along, bills are piling up, food is getting low, and an eviction notice will soon be on the door. With that being said, crime is on the increase and you need to protect you and your personal property. In this note you will find out how to protect yourself with the purchase of a self defense spray.

You purchase a self defense spray and you are afraid that you may spray yourself or the spray may accidently discharge in a purse or a pocket. Please know that there are sprays that have safety devices to prevent this from happening.

If the event arises that you have to use your spray, first remain as calm as possible so that you DON'T spray yourself, second, with your arm fully extended spray towards the attacker. Self defense sprays prevent the attacker from getting close to you as some have a range of up to 18 feet!. Do not worry if you do not get your attacker in the eyes as the gases, whether it be pepper spray or mace, the fumes will rise up and make your attacker tear up or shut their eyes completely and make it difficult to breath. This will give you the opportunity to run away. If you are aware of the weather and happen to know that it is a windy day, turn your head when you are spraying towards your attacker.

Also know, that some of the self defense sprays that I carry also have a UV dye that will quickly help the police find your attacker.

Purchase a self defense spray and other self defense products at: